Fuel Tracking

Easily keep track of your vehicles fuel usage.

Save more money, reduce emissions, and extend the lifespan of your vehicle.

Benefits of Fuel Tracking

Save More Money

Discover if you're wasting fuel and determine whether this is through excess idling, or aggressive driving.

Reduce Emissions

By reducing your fuel consumption you're therefore saving money and reducing emissions.

Vehicle Lifespan

By cutting down on excessive idling and aggressive driving you'll improve your vehicles lifespan.

Record Keeping

Your vehicles fuel consumption is automatically recorded and stored on our platform.

How to Activate Fuel Tracking

1. Navigate to the Alerts Panel

You can find this under 'Tools' in the top right, then click 'Alerts'. This is a list of your activated alerts.

2. Click the '+' Sign

Click the '+' sign to add a new alert. Select 'Fuel Tracking' from the list.

3. Enter the Fuel Consumption

Enter the fuel consumption stats for the make and model of your vehicle.

4. Sit Back and Relax

That's all there is to it. Now you can generate reports on your fuel usage to see where you can cut down.

Don't Hesitate, Start Tracking Today!

1. Discover why the FM3001 is the best vehicle tracking device.

2. Choose which alerts you'd like activated on your account.

3. Order your device and have it by the end of the week.