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Start Tracking Your Vehicle Today
"Car Trackers Club provides the best service in the business" - Mark Johnson. Here's why...

Unlimited Live Tracking
24/7 real time tracking. We operate using Live Tracking, not on 5+ minute intervals like many other companies.
Huge Range of Smart Alerts
Tow alerts, crash alerts, overspeed alerts, unplug detection, jamming detection, geofences & more..
Plug & Play Installation
Plus, we set up all of your custom alerts for you. You can customise these yourself at any point.
Two Year Warranty. No Hidden Fees.
No Lock-in Contracts.
What Our Members Are Saying:
Very impressed by the simplicity of the service. Previous devices we've used have been overly complicated & expensive, that was not the case here. Immediately CTC team was in contact with us - they set everything up for us and it all worked perfectly. We just plugged the tracker in and done!
Hayden Smith - GM, DeliverIt

I've been using CTC to track my personal vehicle for several months now and it's been great. I've never had any issues, it's very accurate and reliable. This was the first car tracker I've purchased so I was a bit nervous, but CTC team made everything so simple so there were no worries!
Mark Watson - Labourer, MJP

Affordable Pricing. Reliable Tracking.
In the interest of our customers we wanted to keep our pricing simple, and highly competitive.
$12.99/month or $129.99/year for unlimited live tracking.
No hidden fees. No lock-in contracts.
No lock-in contracts. No hidden fee's. Ever.

$180 Outright + $12.99/Month
Receive TWO MONTHS FREE Tracking!
No lock-in contracts. No hidden fee's. Ever.

$180 Outright + $129.99/Year
Why am I charged a monthly fee?
We get this question a lot, and we want to be 100% transparent with you.
Like all tracking devices, our device uses a SIM Card to transfer the GPS info to our platform. The same type of SIM that is found in your mobile phone.
Whenever the tracking device is in use, it uses the SIM's data to transfer the GPS info. As such, we need to keep the data topped up for you, which costs us.
Furthermore, we provide high-quality, user-friendly tracking platform for the Web and App for Android, & iPhone. These apps have monthly expenses, which we need to cover.
In saying this, we've still managed to price ourselves very competitively compared to many of other companies.
As a final note, don't be fooled by companies offering tracking without monthly fee's. They'll require you to purchase your own SIM card and keep the data topped up yourself - which will cost you monthly. Instead, we handle everything for you.
Here's what YOU can achieve with our advanced
GPS vehicle Tracker

All of the smart alerts below are available on our vehicle tracking device.These alerts can be configured for each account depending on your needs. You can receive these alerts either as an email, or as a notification on your phone via our free app.
Crash Detection
As soon as your vehicle has been in a crash you'll receive an instant notification. This alert helped my friend find his wife when she hit a kangaroo with her car.

Tracking Devices: Why Choose Us?
Save Time & Your Temper.
Many of our customers have tried the cheap, Chinese tracker approach - they gave up and switched to us instead. Although those devices are cheaper, you'll waste time trying to set it up, become frustrated, attempt to contact their support to no avail, and did I mention... waste time?
Save yourself a lot of heart ache with our reliable, quality assured GPS Tracker for Car. We set everything up to work perfectly out-of-the-box. All you need to do is plug it straight into your car and login to the app, that's seriously it! And if you are having issues or trouble just shoot us an email and we'll help out.
Exceptional Support.
We are a small, family-run business; able to provide unparalleled support. Most of our competition are large companies that outsource their support offshore - which negatively affects you. We're the opposite. We thrive on word-of-mouth, and the only way we achieve that is by providing exceptional support to our exceptional users.
User Experience is our Key Focus
We understand that not everyone is tech savvy, and most people simply don't have time to learn the ins-and-outs of a new GPS Tracker, or platform.
We created our tracking platform & app hand-in-hand with several of our key users. This gave us true insights into how our customers interact with the software, allowing us to create a simple, intuitive-to-use tracking platform.
Loads of Hidden Benefits
From individuals to small businesses, we're here to help you get the most out of our tracking devices. The majority of our users sign up for theft protection, but 95% stay because our device has become part of their everyday life.
They're using it to find their parking spots, to monitor their children's driving (or their employees driving), to track and lower fuel consumption, to monitor their vehicles while they're travelling, to improve their driving, to view and manage the driving behaviour of their employees, the list goes on and on...
As seen above a Car Tracking Device is also uses to track family member's driving. If your teenager is learning to drive or just got the driver's license,if your elderly parent wants to keep driving and have their independence, a GPS Tracker is a nice way to protect and monitor their safety.

Here's how simple it is to get started:

2. Plug it in.
Once the tracking device arrives simply take it out of the box and plug it straight into the OBD-II port in your car. To find where your OBD port is located type your vehicle's make and model into this tool here. All that's left for you is to log into the app.
Don't Hesitate, Get Started Today!
1. Discover why we are the best GPS Tracking solutions provider for vehicles.
2. Choose which alerts you'd like activated on your account.
3. Order your device and have it by the end of the week.
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